Heimtun & Bryn Regnskapskontor
مدقق حسابات
Small and medium-sized businesses in various industries make up the bulk of Heimtun & Bryn Regnskapskontor customer base
تفاصيل الشركات
سنة التأسيس
نطاق السعر
Heimtun & Bryn Regnskapskontor is an authorized accounting company and a member of the NARF (Association of Norwegian Authorized Accountants).
The authorization scheme for accounting officers implies tha tHeimtun & Bryn Regnskapskontor are subject to supervision by the Financial Supervisory Authority.
This means that Heimtun & Bryn Regnskapskontor need professional competence and updating of their employees. In addition, the FSA inspects their procedures to ensure that work performed is quality assured according to applicable laws and regulations.
Heimtun & Bryn Regnskapskontor use InfoEasy accounting systems and perform most of the assignments within:
- Accounting
- Payment
- Billing
- Remittance
- Tax returns
- Annual
- Re-establishment and company registration
- Business management
- Consulting and counseling